Cleaning and Housekeeping

With so many items around the home and numerous cleaning products from which to choose, it can be difficult to match item and product. We also tend to relax once the house looks spotless and the chores are all done, but this can be a never-ending task if not organised properly and carried out in the most efficient way. Ensure that you have time to relax, enjoy your family and entertain friends by following time-saving guides for cleaning and good housekeeping performed by our maids and enjoyed by our customers.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dealing with the daily chores

Attept to do the following chores everyday or call us to do the job!
Wash the dishes - when using a dishwashing machine don't run a load if it isn't full because water wastage equals high overheads.
Make your bed - it motivates you and besides do you really want come home to an untidy bedroom.
Pick up any misplaced items on the floor. They tend to pile up if neglected.
Laundry - Again, don't let it pile up. Do a load everyday or focus on the items that belong to each family member and do it separately. Or let it pile up all day and wash the load at night.

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