Cleaning and Housekeeping

With so many items around the home and numerous cleaning products from which to choose, it can be difficult to match item and product. We also tend to relax once the house looks spotless and the chores are all done, but this can be a never-ending task if not organised properly and carried out in the most efficient way. Ensure that you have time to relax, enjoy your family and entertain friends by following time-saving guides for cleaning and good housekeeping performed by our maids and enjoyed by our customers.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cleaning Essentials

Keep the following items at hand while performing your daily chores.
Dusting cloths made from discarded cotton T-shirts or clothes.
Cleaning and polishing cloths in thick, absorbent knitted cotton and lint-free fabrics.
Household gloves to protect your hands from chemicals, thin disposable gloves for delicate cleaning jobs and cotton gloves for dusting.
A dustpan and 2 brushes - a hard brush for carpets and a soft brush for sweeping dust off hard floors.
A mop and bucket.
A long handled broom.
Steel-wool and scouring pads, old toothbrushes and a nailbrush for reaching awkward areas.
Spray cleaners for bathroom and kitchen surfaces, heavy cleaning liquids to remove grease and burned - on foods, ammonia based cleaners and bleach.

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