Cleaning and Housekeeping

With so many items around the home and numerous cleaning products from which to choose, it can be difficult to match item and product. We also tend to relax once the house looks spotless and the chores are all done, but this can be a never-ending task if not organised properly and carried out in the most efficient way. Ensure that you have time to relax, enjoy your family and entertain friends by following time-saving guides for cleaning and good housekeeping performed by our maids and enjoyed by our customers.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Effective communication is your business lifeline

Building relationships is the most important aspect of a supervisor’s job and nothing can be achieved without the workers’ cooperation using the necessary communication skills. The main function of a supervisor is getting information and passing it on. A very important skill needed is the ability to deal with different personalities successfully. Your expertise is by no means a guarantee that you can teach what you know to others or that you know how to manage people.
New managers frequently do not know how to tackle people problems and they tend to make blinders that affect the working environment and productivity. Their effective business communication will determine their success.
All managers need to be able to communicate clearly through the written word. Putting thoughts in writing gives the writer a chance to think out what they want to say and to choose the best and clearest way to say it. A general notice that does not require a personal response but should be written concisely to ensure effective communication and records of this communication should be kept on file.
Most communication is verbal – speeches, orders, directions and conversations. Although the sender is actually present to deliver the message misunderstandings do occur. Instant clarification of a misunderstanding is possible but only together an understanding can be reached. Even if the manager is quite sure of what they want to say and feel the message may still not be communicated freely.