Cleaning and Housekeeping

With so many items around the home and numerous cleaning products from which to choose, it can be difficult to match item and product. We also tend to relax once the house looks spotless and the chores are all done, but this can be a never-ending task if not organised properly and carried out in the most efficient way. Ensure that you have time to relax, enjoy your family and entertain friends by following time-saving guides for cleaning and good housekeeping performed by our maids and enjoyed by our customers.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Factors that influence successful project management

All projects are prone to different problems and fail for different reasons.  In order to minimize the chances of a project failing to meet its objectives the following factors become particularly important:
  • Clearly defined goals: the general project philosophy or general mission of the project and a commitment to these goals on the part of the project team members.
  • Competent project manager:  a skilled project manager who has the necessary interpersonal, technical and administrative skills.
  • Top-management support: enabling communication to all concerned parties
  • Competent project team leaders: the selection of and training of project team members, who between them have the skills necessary to support the project technically.
  • Sufficient resource allocation: money, personnel, logistics etc.  which are available for the project in the required quantity.
  • Adequate communications channels:  sufficient information is available on project objectives, status, changes, organizational conditions and client’s needs
  • Control mechanisms: these monitor actual events and recognize deviations from the plan
  • Feedback capabilities:  all parties should be able to review the project’s status and make suggestions and corrections through formal feedback channels or review meetings
  • Responsiveness to clients: all potential users of the project are concerned which are kept up to date on the project’s status.
  • Trouble-shooting mechanisms: a set of procedures to tackle problems when they arise, can trace them back to their root cause and resolve them.
  • Project staff continuity: the continued involvement of key personnel over the project life cycle.

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